Antonio Krueger (Saarland University, Germany) ...Sara Diamond (Banff Centre, Canada)...Patrick Olivier (Lexicle, UK) ...Andreas Butz (Saarland University, Germany) ...Brian Fisher (University of British Columbia, Canada) ...The International Symposium on Smart Graphics brings together people from the fields of Computer Graphics, Graphics Design, Cognitive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence, all working on different aspects of computer generated graphics.Session 1: Virtual Characters and Environments...Session 2: Tangible & Hybrid Interfaces...Session 3: Graphical Interfaces...Session 4: Short presentations of posters...Click here to email the map artist...Click here to visit previous years' sites...Animating 2D Digital Puppets with Limited Autonomy ... Non-Photorealistic 3-D Facial Animation on the PDA based on Facial Expression Recognition ...ALTERNE: Intelligent Virtual Environments for Virtual Reality Art...Tangible Image Query...Implementation of ActiveCube as an Intuitive 3D Computer Interface...Stage-Based Augmented Edutainment...Retrieving Vector Graphics Using Sketches...Quality metrics for 2D scatterplot graphics: automatically reducing visual clutter...A View on Views...Floating Labels: Applying Dynamic Potential Fields for Label Layout ...Calligraphic Editor for Textile and Tile Pattern Design System...Evaluation of User-friendliness of a Compact Input Device with Simple Tactile Feedback...Petri net Model for Subjective Views in Collaborative Virtual Environments ...Automatic Collage Using Texture Synthesis...Smart Garden: plant mail and chat environments...Smart Garden: plant mail and chat environments...A Framework Supporting General Object Interactions for Dynamic Virtual Worlds...A Software Platform for Streamed 3D Interactive Mixed Media...BNMI provides research opportunities, summits, resulting research prototype labs, professional development workshops, co-productions, partnerships, project commissions, academic exchanges, and publishing and business incubation....Click on the map labels to link to symposium information...