The mission of the University of Lethbridge is to provide undergraduate and graduate education programs. The University is active in basic and applied research.Calgary Technologies Inc is in the business of economic development, focused exclusively on Calgary's advanced technology sector. It is a not-for-profit agency that is a catalyst for high tech business growth. CTI provides technology incubation and commercialization, business network and cluster development services, external attraction and promotion services, advocacy and government relations services. It also manages Calgary's Smart Communities Empowerment Project. Through joint industry and university collaboration in applied telecommunications research, TRLabs contributes trained people and innovative technology to achieve (a) economic growth for our government members, (b) business growth for our industry members, (c) academic and research growth for our university members, and (d) personal growth for our staff.The aim of ICET Alliance is to be the principal information and communications technology industry association in the province. The association strengthens and promotes the business of its stakeholders who are involved in the development and application of information and communications technologies. ICET Alliance provides a collaborative forum where linkages are built among provincial ICET stakeholders, including industry participants, educational institutions, and research and government organizations.The Southern Alberta Institute of Technology is an innovative organization which equips people to compete successfully in the changing world of work by providing relevant, skill-oriented education. SAIT's reputation is built upon: - professional, dedicated staff; - innovative curriculum delivery; - technically advanced labs and facilities; - applied learning; and - a supportive learning environment; as well as - strategic relationships with industry leaders.(Potential Member)  ASRA's mission is to enhance the contribution of science and research to the sustainable prosperity and quality of life of all Albertans. AARI's mission is to enhance the economic contributions of the Alberta agricultural and food industry through support for research and technology transfer, with a strategic emphasis on life sciences.BioAlberta is a not-for-profit biotechnology industry development organization, representing more than 80% of bioindustry companies in the province, in addition to key government, academic, and support organizations. BioAlberta is the central voice and the organizing hub for biotechnology in Alberta. The mission of the University of Calgary is to seek truth and disseminate knowledge. Our aim is to pursue this mission with integrity for the benefit of the people of Alberta, Canada and the world.The University of Alberta is one of Canada's largest, full-service, research-intensive universities. It is our vision to be indisputably recognized, in teaching, research, and community service, nationally and internationally, as one of Canada's finest universities, and amongst a handful of the world's best.Excellence in creating business opportunities from scientific innovation.The people we serve will have a foundation of knowledge and skills, which will enable them to develop to their full potential.The Medicine Hat Innovators Network brings together local entrepreneurs, business service providers and investors to encourage the start up and growth of technology ventures in south-eastern Alberta.Alberta Ingenuity supports science and engineering research directed to the discovery of new knowledge and the application of that knowledge to improve the quality of Alberta's economy, communities and environment. Alberta Ingenuity's long-term commitment is to fund research based on international standards of excellence carried out by new and established investigators.In partnership with global leaders, the Alberta Research Council helps to advance the economy and well-being of Alberta and Canada by providing technology and innovation to meet current and emerging needs of industry and government.The role of Economic Development Edmonton (EDE) is to facilitate opportunities to enhance Edmonton's business and tourism sectors through information, communications, promotions, research, networking, and sales. EDE also manages the Shaw Conference Centre and the Edmonton Research Park.Ronald D. Woodward (ARC, ASRA, Red Deer College)Vision: A globally recognized centre for innovation research, application and promotion. Mission: THECIS will be a leader in creating and disseminating knowledge to improve innovation performance in business, government and society.The Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) supports a community of researchers who generate knowledge that improves the health and quality of life of Albertans and people throughout the world. The long-term commitment of the AHFMR is to fund basic patient and health research, based on international standards of excellence. This research is carried out by new and established investigators, as well as researchers in training. AHFMR also supports technology commercialization, disseminates information, assesses technology and provides health research training.Brian MacNeill (U of C, Ingenuity Fund)Rod Fraser (Uor A, AHFMR)Jim Edwards (U of A, Ingenuity Fund)Irene Lewis (SAIT, Calgary Technologies Inc.)John R. McDougall (ARC, ASRA)Jim Horsman (U of Lethbridge, Ingnuity Fund)Dan Bader (TRLabs, AARI)John Moldon (MHINNoNet, Ingenuity Fund)Allan Scott (EDE, THECIS)Ronald D. Woodward (ARC, ASRA, Red Deer College)Martin Kratz (ICET, THECIS)Dr. Harvey Weingarten  (U of C, AHFMR) Dr. Pete D.Desai (BIoAlberta, ARC, AARI)Dr. Pete D.Desai (BIoAlberta, ARC, AARI)John Masters (THECIS, CTI, ASRA)John Masters (THECIS, CTI, ASRA)John Masters (THECIS, CTI, ASRA)Dr.Dennis Salahub (TRLabs, UTI, CTI)Dr.Dennis Salahub (TRLabs, UTI, CTI)Fred Stewart (BioAlberta, ICET, THECIS,  CTI, ASRA)Fred Stewart (BioAlberta, ICET, THECIS,  CTI, ASRA)Fred Stewart (BioAlberta, ICET, THECIS,  CTI, ASRA)Fred Stewart (BioAlberta, ICET, THECIS,  CTI, ASRA)Ronald D. Woodward (ARC, ASRA, Red Deer College)please email revisions to the map artist by clicking here...Fred Stewart (BioAlberta, ICET, THECIS,  CTI, ASRA)Fred Stewart (BioAlberta, ICET, THECIS,  CTI, ASRA)Fred Stewart (BioAlberta, ICET, THECIS,  CTI, ASRA)